Smart education

Impacting the way technology-enhanced education and learning takes place.

Instructional design and technology

Within instructional design and technology we focus on the design, development, implementation and evaluation of technology-enhanced learning environments. The effectiveness of these technology-enhanced learning environments is assessed in view of cognitive, non-cognitive and efficiency learning outcomes and taking into account individual differences between learners. The effectiveness is determined based on log data, physiological data, self-reports and assessments.


Professional Development for Digital Teaching and Learning The COVID-19 crisis

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Gepersonaliseerd digitaal leren in het Vlaamse onderwijs. Leren op maat van elk kind wordt internationaal vaak als de toekomst van ons onderwijs naar voor geschoven.

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COgnitive Support in Manufacturing Operations. The manufacturing industry is faced with increasing product diversification due to changing customer needs and market demands, which is putting stress on operators.

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European EdTech Network (EETN)

Strategic Partnership for Higher Education. The European EdTech Network (EETN) is a three-year project funded by the European Commission within the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for Higher Education programme.

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Effective LEarning in remote Classrooms through Technology-enhanced UseR Engagement.

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Smart Education @ Schools

Smart Education @ Schools is een innovatieprogramma voor leerkrachten in het basis- en secundair onderwijs en in de volwasseneneducatie die de uitdagingen van hun onderwijspraktijk willen aanpakken met slimme educatieve technologie.

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Fanfiction for the teaching and application of languages through e-stories.

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Personalized support

We do not only focus on adapting and personalizing learning content based on collected learning data, we also study how the learning support (feedback, tools, material, ...) can optimally be adapted and personalized.

Adaptive learning

Based on the statistical modelling and tracking of latent characteristics of learners and predictions made on outcomes, we go one step further by adapting and personalizing the content of learning environments.

Instructional design for complex learning

We especially focus on the instructional design of learning environments aiming to support complex learning (e.g. the so-called '21st century skills'). The role of technology is essential in realizing these complex objectives.

Interactive remote learning

The increasing possibilities of educational technology offer enormous potential to provide more interaction between students, learning content and teachers, not only on campus but also off campus. With the hybrid virtual classroom we have developed (infrastructure) a learning space that offers flexibility to learners meanwhile sustaining the important interaction of education in a face-to-face setting.

Collaborative learning

Although the value of collaborative learning is widely recognized, successful teamwork is not guaranteed. We investigate how we can optimize support and assess collaborative learning by means of technology in ambient learning spaces.

Systems for natural linguistic interaction

Statistical modeling

Empirical data play a key role in the application domains studied by itec. These include a wide variety of quantitative and qualitative data and structured and unstructured data. Within statistical modeling, itec further develops, evaluates and applies complex statistical techniques for collecting, visualizing, and modeling quantitative data. Although the techniques in principle are often widely applicable across domains, this strand of research is feeded by questions and challenges within itec’s application domains, and in turn advances the applied research.


Gepersonaliseerd digitaal leren in het Vlaamse onderwijs. Leren op maat van elk kind wordt internationaal vaak als de toekomst van ons onderwijs naar voor geschoven.

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COgnitive Support in Manufacturing Operations. The manufacturing industry is faced with increasing product diversification due to changing customer needs and market demands, which is putting stress on operators.

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Effective LEarning in remote Classrooms through Technology-enhanced UseR Engagement.

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An evaluation of the methodological and psychometric quality of language assessments, and training and support in the implementation and automatization of statistical analyses.

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Latent variable modeling using multimodal learning analytics

One of the challenges we focus on is the measurement of variables that are not directly observable, by using psychometric techniques and models (e.g., IRT) and combining different types of data.

Adaptive learning

Based on the statistical modelling and tracking of latent characteristics of learners and predictions made on outcomes, we go one step further by adapting and personalizing the content of learning environments.

Prediction and recommendation

We develop algorithms to predict data values for new observations in a dataset and to recommend the most relevant set of items for a given user.

Multi-level meta- analysis

Models and techniques are proposed and evaluated to combine the results of multiple studies in order to increase precision and power, with a focus on the modelling of dependent study results and the results of single-case experimental studies.

Language and technology


COgnitive Support in Manufacturing Operations. The manufacturing industry is faced with increasing product diversification due to changing customer needs and market demands, which is putting stress on operators.

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Research and innovation for online learning. Seven partners on both sides of the French-Belgian border, including universities, training and research centres, are working together on a common project.

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c-PaCK French

A blended learning environment for the integrated acquisition of pedagogical content knowledge

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Theoretical and empirical validation of lexical competence in French within the Common European Framework of Reference.

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Ontwikkeling van een digitaal platform Nederlands leren.

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Videostreaming as an interactive didactic instrument in computer-assisted language learning.

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COmunication and building Bridget thanks to the Acquisition of Languages trough Technologies

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Personalized support

We do not only focus on adapting and personalizing learning content based on collected learning data, we also study how the learning support (feedback, tools, material, …) can optimally be adapted and personalized.

Systems for natural linguistic interaction

Automated evaluation of open tasks

Machine learning and AI

Within machine learning and AI, we adapt existing and develop new machine learning algorithms to tackle open questions in the applications domains of itec. We mainly focus on non-standard supervised and semi-supervised learning tasks, such as multi-output prediction, time-to-event prediction and interaction prediction. We typically target three goals in our methods: predictive performance, efficiency and interpretability.


COgnitive Support in Manufacturing Operations. The manufacturing industry is faced with increasing product diversification due to changing customer needs and market demands, which is putting stress on operators.

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Adaptive learning

Based on the statistical modelling and tracking of latent characteristics of learners and predictions made on outcomes, we go one step further by adapting and personalizing the content of learning environments.

Prediction and recommendation

We develop algorithms to predict data values for new observations in a dataset and to recommend the most relevant set of items for a given user.

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