
Effective LEarning in remote Classrooms through Technology-enhanced UseR Engagement 

Pedagogical evolutions towards more interactive and collaborative teaching and learning, individual demand for more flexible training and education, and an evolution towards multicampus teaching in higher education require solutions for remote and asynchronous learning that are as interactive and effective as face-to-face training, and do not introduce technological or psychological barriers. Current solutions such as WebEx and videoconferencing tools either do not meet these requirements or are too expensive for the average higher education institution or corporate training. On top of the ongoing development of a cloud-based and bring-your-own-device-ready platform for interactive learning, LECTURE+ aims to research, design, and evaluate a data-driven and evidence-based platform for decision support for teachers, room operators and learners in higher education and corporate training, geared towards improving learner engagement in face-to-face, remote, and recorded lectures. Objectives include modelling and enhancing learner engagement through behaviour tracking and audiovisual processing, improving the cost-efficiency and scalability of real-time video direction, and demonstrating the added value of interactive technology-enhanced learning in three living labs (face-to-face learning, remote groups, remote individuals).

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Staff involved

Piet Desmet
Fien Depaepe
Annelies Raes
Ine Windey
Pieter Vanneste
Marieke Pieters



2017 – 2019


imec – icon

Want to know more? Have a look at the project website.

lecture+ extension project secondary education

In this research project we want to investigate how technological support can bring more interactivity and cooperation in contact education.

A number of secondary schools have a clear pedagogical need to focus more on interactive and collaborative learning, supported by technology. Links were found with the current TECOL project and the LECTURE+ icon project, which focuses on increasing involvement in higher education by teaching in a more interactive way, supported by technology.
In the extension project, the insights of higher education will be translated and further investigated in the specific context of secondary schools.

In the 3 secondary schools within the extension project, 3 use cases will be investigated:

  1. Collaborative learning in specific subjects
  2. Collaborative learning in cross-curricular projects and CLIL
  3. Internationalisation


  • Rhizo 
  • Sint Paulus (Campus College waregem)
  • Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge 

Want to know more? Have a look at the project website.

Om dit alles te realiseren wordt de kennis en expertise van de volgende partners gebundeld: imec, …

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