Instructional design and technology

Fien Depaepe


Fien Depaepe is working as an associate professor at the Center for Instructional Psychology and Technology (CIP&T) and itec, imec research group at KU Leuven.

The research of Fien Depaepe deals with the effectiveness of technology-enhanced learning environments in different educational contexts (elementary education, secondary education and higher education) and in diverse disciplines. This research focuses on the design, development, implementation and evaluation of these technology-enhanced learning environments.

More particularly, it focuses on (1) the instructional design of technology-enhanced learning environments; (2) the professional competence of teachers implementing these learning environments (e.g., the relationship between professional knowledge, beliefs and instructional practices); and (3) the impact of cognitive, metacognitive and affective learner characteristics on the actual use and learning outcomes of these learning environments. The effectiveness of these technology-enhanced learning environments is mainly determined based on log data, physiological data, self-reports and assessments.

Some illustrations of research projects in which Fien Depaepe is involved are the effectiveness of adaptive educational games in developing early literacy and numerical skills, the effectiveness of online learning environments for complex learning by using learning analytics, the instructional design and effectiveness of an online learning environment for research skills in behavioral sciences, teaching and learning basic life support through blended learning and effective learning in hybrid virtual classrooms.

involved projects


Effective LEarning in remote Classrooms through Technology-enhanced UseR Engagement.

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c-PaCK French

A blended learning environment for the integrated acquisition of pedagogical content knowledge

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