Piet Desmet

Piet Desmet

Piet Desmet is coordinator of itec and academic director of the imec smart education research program.

His research interests are Second Language Acquisition and Technology, with applications in Computer-assisted Language Learning (AI-based chatbots, prediction of linguistic complexity, intelligent feedback on complex learning tasks), Learning Analytics (effectiveness research, systems for adaptive & personalized testing and learning) and Language Technology and Corpus Linguistics (automated analysis and annotation of text corpora using natural language processing, parallel and multimedia corpora, learner corpora). 

involved projects


Gepersonaliseerd digitaal leren in het Vlaamse onderwijs. Leren op maat van elk kind wordt internationaal vaak als de toekomst van ons onderwijs naar voor geschoven.

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Effective LEarning in remote Classrooms through Technology-enhanced UseR Engagement.

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Smart Education @ Schools

Smart Education @ Schools is een innovatieprogramma voor leerkrachten in het basis- en secundair onderwijs en in de volwasseneneducatie die de uitdagingen van hun onderwijspraktijk willen aanpakken met slimme educatieve technologie.

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Fanfiction for the teaching and application of languages through e-stories.

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Research and innovation for online learning. Seven partners on both sides of the French-Belgian border, including universities, training and research centres, are working together on a common project.

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c-PaCK French

A blended learning environment for the integrated acquisition of pedagogical content knowledge

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Theoretical and empirical validation of lexical competence in French within the Common European Framework of Reference.

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Ontwikkeling van een digitaal platform Nederlands leren.

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An evaluation of the methodological and psychometric quality of language assessments, and training and support in the implementation and automatization of statistical analyses.

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Videostreaming as an interactive didactic instrument in computer-assisted language learning.

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COmunication and building Bridget thanks to the Acquisition of Languages trough Technologies

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