workshop on technology - mediated personalized learning

19th of June 2020 @ London

Interested in interactive technologies for children? We invite academics and practioners for our workshop on ‘technology-mediated personalized learning’

Within the context of the IDC conference, a full day workshop* is organized that seeks to map out current research and future goals for those involved in designing and understanding the impact of technologies for personalized learning. Academics and practitioners who have done work in this area are invited to participate. The workshop will focus on the following themes: definitions of personalized learning, methodologies for design and evaluating, impacts of personalized learning on pedagogy and research.



The workshop will engage participants in hands on activities and round table discussions. To facilitate this, submissions will consist of a short portfolio up to 1,000 words including

  • A definition of personalized learning you use to guide your research
  • A design method or empirical methodology you have experience with and reflections on how it worked
  • Evidence on the impacts you have observed on personalized learning for research or practice

In addition to this, on the day there will be space for those who have technology demonstrations to showcase their work.

Practical information

Detailed information on the workshop, its goal and the submission requirements appear on the workshop website.

Submissions are due to the 1st of May 2020.

Hope to welcome you at the workshop. 

Best regards

 – Stefanie Vanbecelaere (KU Leuven), Mina Vasalou (UCL), Frederik Cornillie (KU Leuven), Fien Depaepe (KU Leuven), Roger Gilabert Guerrero (University of Barcelona), Manolis Mavrikis (UCL), Laura Benton (UCL)






*We are continuing to evaluate the form this workshops may take, including virtual participation. Our hope is that no matter what the context, we are able to bring the community together to support each other and advance our practice.

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