Codes seminar Rinde Van Lon

The CODeS research group is pleased to announce a seminar by Rinde van
Lon, Distrinet, KU Leuven, entitled:

Systematic comparison of multi-agent systems and centralized
algorithms in large scale and dynamic logistics


A common hypothesis in multi-agent systems (MAS) literature is that
decentralized MAS are better at coping with dynamic and large scale
problems compared to centralized algorithms. Existing work investigates
this hypothesis in a limited way, often with no support for further
evaluation, slowing down the advance of more general conclusions. In this
talk I will present an instance generator based on previously established
formal metrics and simulation platform RinSim with support for
(de)centralized algorithms. Using this instance generator, a benchmark
logistics dataset with varying levels of dynamism and scale is created
that can be used for systematically evaluating MAS and centralized
algorithms in RinSim. We aim to organize a competition for finding the
best algorithms for this dataset.


KU Leuven – Technologiecampus, Gebr. De Smetstraat 1, 9000 Gent
Blok G, meeting room 2nd floor


Tuesday 18/8/2015 11:00

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