Codes research seminar Prof. Sanja Petrovic

The CODeS research group is pleased to announce a seminar by Prof Sanja Petrovic from the University of Nottingham entitled:



Radiotherapy treatment planning aims at delivering a sufficient radiation dose to cancerous tumour cells while minimising the dose received by healthy surrounding tissues and organs at risk which are close to the tumour. A Case-based Reasoning (CBR) approach to radiotherapy treatment planning for brain tumour will be presented. One of the main advantages of case-based reasoning is that it enables capturing of clinicians’ knowledge and experience in radiotherapy planning. The case base consists of patients’ records which include description of patients and radiotherapy plans for their treatments. The similarity measure has to be designed in such a way so that a case useful for the treatment for the new patient is retrieved from the case base. We propose new similarity measures that aggregate appropriately similarity values between case attributes. The developed similarity measures were evaluated on real-world patient records from the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, City Hospital Campus.

In addition, approaches to adaptation to take into account the differences between the retrieved case and the new patient will be discussed. The first developed approach is based on neural networks, while the second one includes adaptation in the retrieval phase of the system. The talk will end with the discussion about the future research directions.


Tuesday 13/1/2015 11:00


KU Leuven – Technologiecampus, Gebr. De Smetstraat 1, 9000 Gent Blok G, meeting room 2nd floor

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