Frederik Cornillie wins the Calico 2014 'outstanding graduate student award'

Frederik Cornillie was acclaimed Outstanding Graduate Student at the international conference CALICO 2014 in Athens, Ohio (US). CALICO stands for Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium, and is an international organization dedicated to research and development in the use of computer technology in language learning (CALL).

The award is given each year to graduate students that have distinguished themselves in terms of research into CALL, development and innovation in CALL, participation in CALICO, general service to the profession, and potential for making significant contributions to the field.

Frederik is currently finalizing his PhD under supervision of Prof. Dr. Piet Desmet. He investigates the effectiveness of feedback in technology-supported educational environments that make use of gaming technologies and gaming elements to further language learning. His research has been made possible partly through interaction with partner research groups of ITEC as well as Flemish companies within the strategic research centre iMinds, which stimulates digital innovation in Flanders. Frederik is currently, among other responsibilities, editorial board member of the international journal ReCALL. Before joining ITEC in 2009, he was a researcher at the University of Antwerp.

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