Research projects of our PhD students.

Sohum Bhatt

Learning analytics for personalised learning in Flemish primary and secundary education

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Louise Maddens

The instructional design and evaluation of online learning environments to foster learners’ research competencies

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Phuong Thao Duong

The effectiveness of technology-enhanced language learning for lexical competence in speaking: The case of English as a foreign language (EFL) learners in Vietnam.

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Anaïs Tack

Predicting the receptive lexical Competence of Language Learners through a personalised and adaptive Model integrating a meaning-based Approach

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Bert Vandenberghe

Impact of form- or meaning-focused instruction on L2 lexical acquisition: A behavioural and neurological study

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Lies Declercq

Multilevel Modeling of Single Case Experimental Count Data: Further Developments and Empirical Validation

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Ann-Sophie Noreillie

Theoretical and empirical validation of lexical competence in Eand French within the Common European Framework of Reference

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Maribel Montero Perez

Watch and Learn?! Five studies into the use and effectiveness of captioned video for L2 listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition

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Ahmet Soylu

Exploiting metadata, ontologies and semantics to design/enhance new end-user experiences for adaptive pervasive computing environments

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Mariola Moeyaert

Three-level synthesis of single-subject experimental data: Further extensions, empirical validation and applications

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