Isabeau Fievez

Language & technology

Isabeau Fievez

Before landing at the KU Leuven, Isabeau Fievez studied Germanic languages (Dutch-English) at the University of Namur and obtained a master in Linguistics with a focus on multilingualism and foreign language acquisition at the VUB. 

She is a PhD student since October 2016 within the itec imec research group at KU Leuven under the supervision of Prof Dr. Piet Desmet, Dr. Maribel Montero Perez and Dr. Frederik Cornillie. Her PhD is part of a European project named Dig-e-lab (  

Her research aims to investigate the effectiveness of various multimedia materials such as technology-enhanced videos and online language learning platform on the acquisition of French and Dutch as a second language. More precisely, she conducts research on the effects of such multimedia materials on different aspects of vocabulary knowledge and listening comprehension. She also focuses on the influence of various external-, word- and learner-related factors (e.g. length of exposure to the input, prior vocabulary knowledge). She mainly uses offline measures (i.e. pen and paper vocabulary & listening comprehension tests) to evaluate language learning gains, but has also made use of online measures such eye-tracking and logs in order to assess learners’ attention and behavior with the multimedia material. These different kinds of measurement allow to get a better picture of both learning process and gains.

involved projects


Professional Development for Digital Teaching and Learning The COVID-19 crisis

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Itec at Smart Media Meetups

At Smart Media Meetup our researchers Prof. Celine Vens, Dr. Konstaninos Pliakos & Alireza Gharahighehi offer insight in algorithms for personalization developed in the imec.ICON project Newsbutler

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Sign up on our newsletter

Have you recently noticed some of our changes? The last few months we took the time to freshen up our look. Besides this very first newsletter there’s still more to discover!

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In September 2019, the i-Learn project was launched to facilitate personalized digital learning. One year into the project, i-Learn is fully up to speed and evolving at a rapid rate.

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Have you recently noticed some of our changes? The last few months we took the time to freshen up our look. Besides this very first newsletter there’s still more to discover!

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Voka Edtech artikel

Educatieve technologie (EdTech) zal onvermijdelijk een gamechanger zijn voor het onderwijs. Er is vandaag al haast geen enkele school die nog zonder learning managementsysteem, smartboards of digitale communicatietools werkt. En de technologische mogelijkheden zullen in de toekomst nog veel grotere veranderingen teweegbrengen….

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Sohum Bhatt

Learning analytics for personalised learning in Flemish primary and secundary education

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Louise Maddens

The instructional design and evaluation of online learning environments to foster learners’ research competencies

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Phuong Thao Duong

The effectiveness of technology-enhanced language learning for lexical competence in speaking: The case of English as a foreign language (EFL) learners in Vietnam.

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Anaïs Tack

Predicting the receptive lexical Competence of Language Learners through a personalised and adaptive Model integrating a meaning-based Approach

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KU Leuven won the best overall AV-enabled education space award. In this session, Annelies Raes will talk about the hybrid virtual classroom @KU Leuven, an interactive, scalable and cost-effective classroom setting that enhances the (remote) learning experience.

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