Klest Dedja

Machine learning & AI

Klest Dedja

Klest Dedja is conducting a PhD project which is funded by the impulse program on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research, which is an initiative of the Flemish government to position Flanders as an international leader in the field of AI.
In particular, it will focus on interpretable AI towards the end user. Trust and accountability are important issues in decision support systems, especially in medical and industrial settings where such systems should preferably be interpretable. The focus of this project will be on time-to-event problems (also known as “survival analysis”). Standard machine learning techniques can not directly be applied to survival data, mainly because of the censoring, meaning that for some data instances the event of interest is not measured, e.g. because of dropout or the study ended before event took place. A particular type of interpretability to consider in this context is providing actionable advice suggesting the end user which actions are expected to improve outcome.

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