
Language Learning in an INteractive Game envirOnment

The aim of the LLINGO project is to explore the potential of serious and educational gaming and game technology for learning. In recent years, game strategies and technology are increasingly being deployed outside their traditional realm of commercial entertainment. The motivational power of game elements and the flexibility and interactivity of commercial game design software is put to use in a fast-growing range of sectors, from management and strategic training to advertising and recruitment. Until now, (language) learning has largely stayed out of the picture. The LLINGO project aims to change this by joining the forces of some of the leading commercial games and language training companies with expertise in game technology and experience in research to build a state-of-the-art setup demonstrating the potential of the format.

Staff involved

Frederik Cornillie
Hans Paulussen
Martin Vanbrabant
Sylke Vandercruysse
Mieke Vandewaetere



Imec – icon

In order to realise all this, the knowledge and expertise of the following partners is bundled: 

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