Policy research centre

Policy Research Centre for Test Development and National Assessments 2013 – 2017

The Policy Research Centre for Test Development and National Assessments carries out policy-relevant scientific research to support Flemish educational policy. The Policy Research Centre is responsible for the development of tests for the Flemish national assessments and carries out these assessments during the period 2013-2017 at a rate of two assessments per year. The primary goal of the national assessments is to evaluate the quality of the Flemish education at the system level. As a consequence, data at pupil and school level are processed anonymously. On the one hand the assessments determine the percentage of pupils that master a certain cluster of developmental aims that pertain to a specificcourse or subject matter. On the other hand they determine whether there are systematic differences between schools and pupils in mastering these developmental aims, and whether characteristics at the level of students, classes, or schools co-vary with these differences. The assessment results are announced at a colloquium and a brochure with the results is released. Besides the primary goal at the system level, the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training aims to stimulate (internal)quality assurance at the level of the schools. On the one hand schools that have taken part in an assessment receive feedback on the performance of their pupils. On the other hand parallel test versions are developed and made available for schools by the Ministry. Schools can use them for their self-evaluation.

Staff involved


2013 – 2017


Vlaamse overheid

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