I-LEARN: one year into the project

In September 2019, the i-Learn project was launched to facilitate personalized digital learning. One year into the project, i-Learn is fully up to speed and evolving at a rapid rate. 


The main goal of i-Learn is the creation of an online portal to help teachers with personalized digital learning in the classroom. September 2020 marks the start of the testing phase: the project team consisting of employees from the three lead partners (imec, KU Leuven and itec) has designed a prototype of the portal to start testing in primary and secondary schools. After months of intensive interaction with 11 pilot schools, priorities were defined concerning topics and target groups, learning tracks were crafted in cocreation with the teachers and educational tools were selected. The prototype will now be thoroughly tested to assess whether the right choices have been made and if it indeed, as it is conceived, removes barriers for teachers to make use of technology for personalized learning in the context of the classroom.

Over the next period of time, the scope will be broadened depending on the needs of the teachers and pupils. More tools, topics and learning tracks will be added to the portal. External partners, selected through tender procedures, will step in to adequately support schools and teachers with the use of the portal. This way, the target of i-Learn to reach and help 10% of Flemish schools by the end of the project (September 2022) comes into sight. A project to follow up close! Be sure to check www.i-learn.vlaanderen regularly and keep up to date.

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