Stefanie vanbeceleare

PhD researcher in instructional design & technology

Stefanie Vanbecelaere

Prior to obtaining her Master in Educational Sciences at Ghent University in 2016, she earned a Bachelor’s teacher’s degree. After graduating, she joined itec in September 2017, where she is currently pursuing her PhD. The PhD focusses on investigating the effectiveness of adaptive educational games for the development of math and reading in young children. This research is supervised by Fien Depaepe and Bert Reynvoet. In the first part of her PhD trajectory, she was involved in the LEAPS (LEarning Analytics for adaPtive Support) project which aimed at developing a self-learning system for adaptive learning ( Through intervention research, empirical evidence on the impact of adaptive educational games in terms of cognitive and affective gains was collected. For the second part of her PhD trajectory, from this point until the anticipated ending of my PhD in 2021, she will be involved in the i-Learn project in which she will work on the development and evaluation of a digital platform to support personalized learning.

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Gepersonaliseerd digitaal leren in het Vlaamse onderwijs. Leren op maat van elk kind wordt internationaal vaak als de toekomst van ons onderwijs naar voor geschoven.

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