Paul Van Eecke

Senior researcher in language and technology

Paul Van Eecke

Paul Van Eecke obtained a Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence (summa cum laude) from the Engineering Science Faculty of the KU Leuven in 2013 and a Master of Arts in Linguistics (summa cum laude) from the Arts Faculty of the KU Leuven in 2012. From 2014 until 2017, he worked as an assistant researcher at Sony Computer Science Laboratories in Paris, where he carried out research on implementing construction grammars and became one of the main developers of the Fluid Construction Grammar system (FCG – . In 2018, he defended his PhD thesis at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, on symbolic generalisation and specialisation operators for computational construction grammar, and their application to agent-based models of language evolution. His main research topics include the emergence and evolution of language through communicative interactions, computational construction grammar and its applications, and the use of a combination of symbolic and subsymbolic AI techniques for solving advanced perception, reasoning and communication tasks. At itec, he is also leading the language technology component of the COSMO project, which consists in the automatic analysis and generation of industrial work instructions.

involved projects


COgnitive Support in Manufacturing Operations. The manufacturing industry is faced with increasing product diversification due to changing customer needs and market demands, which is putting stress on operators.

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