Instructional design & technology

Annelies Raes

As Master in Educational Sciences, Annelies Raes finished her PhD at Ghent University in 2015. Her dissertation focused on computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) in secondary education. She is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher within the itec research group and she is also affiliated with the Centre for Instructional Psychology and Technology (CIP&T), KU Leuven. Within itec she is one of the co-Principal Investigators within imec’s Smart Education Program. Her main fields of interests are innovative learnings models as active learning and problem-based collaborative learning and how this can be supported by emergent technologies.  More specifically, her research focuses on the effective and efficient use of educational technologies. It encompasses the development and testing of smart technologies (sensors, algorithms, adaptive learning platforms, etc.) that facilitate interaction and collaboration in the learning process and lay the foundation of tailor-made learning solutions. In today’s knowledge society, such solutions are crucial to optimize the acquisition of knowledge and skills – in a way that is adapted to individual learning characteristics. As a researcher, she attaches great importance to the link with educational practice. Because itec’s research is based on the design-based research approach, she succeeds in systematically involving the educational context. In her research she uses both qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques. In addition to these research activities, she is a co-teacher within the course Educational Technology (together with Fien Depaepe and Joke Torbeyns), and member of the didactic team for the course Educational Research within the teacher training program of KU Leuven.

involved projects


Professional Development for Digital Teaching and Learning The COVID-19 crisis

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Effective LEarning in remote Classrooms through Technology-enhanced UseR Engagement.

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