
Workshop codes: data science for optimization: EWG foundational meeting 13-15 april 2016, Leuven, Belgium

Twitter Linkedin Workshop codes: data science for optimization: EWG foundational meeting 13-15 april 2016, Leuven, Belgium The KU Leuven Combinatorial Optimization and Decision support (CODeS) group and the University of Nottingham Automated Scheduling, Optimisation and Planning (ASAP) group with the Support of EURO and ORBEL are inviting you to take part in the Fondational workshop of the new EURO Working Group on Data Science […]

itec is looking for a full-time researcher in natural language processing, KU Leuven (university of Leuven) & Iminds

Nederlandse versie (Ref. BAP-2016-55) Occupation : Full-time Period : Fixed-term contract Place : Kortrijk Apply no later than : March 13, 2016   For the Linguistics Research Unit, Campus Kulak Kortrijk we are looking for a FULL-TIME SENIOR RESEARCHER IN NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING, KU LEUVEN (UNIVERSITY OF LEUVEN) & IMINDS The research team itec is looking for a full-time […]

Codes seminar Rinde Van Lon

Twitter Linkedin Codes seminar Rinde Van Lon The CODeS research group is pleased to announce a seminar by Rinde vanLon, Distrinet, KU Leuven, entitled: Systematic comparison of multi-agent systems and centralizedalgorithms in large scale and dynamic logistics Abstract: A common hypothesis in multi-agent systems (MAS) literature is thatdecentralized MAS are better at coping with dynamic […]

Public PhD defence of Pieter Smet

Twitter Linkedin Public PhD defence of Pieter Smet You are cordially invited to the public PhD defence of Pieter Smet, entitled  NURSE ROSTERING: MODELS AND ALGORITHMS FOR THEORY, PRACTICE  AND INTEGRATION WITH OTHER PROBLEMS FRIDAY JULY 3, 2015 AT 14H00  ROOM L226, TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GHENT, GEBROEDERS DE SMETSTRAAT 1, 9000 GENT You are kindly invited […]

Vacature statistische methoden faculteit psychologie en pedagogische wetenschappen

Voor de Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen, Campus Kulak Kortrijk zoeken wij twee doctoraatsstudenten STATISTISCHE METHODEN VOOR HET COMBINEREN VAN SINGLE-SUBJECT EXPERIMENTELE DATA De bursalen zullen worden aangesteld in het kader van een gezamenlijk project van de KU Leuven (faculteit Psychologie en pedagogische wetenschappen in Kortrijk en onderzoeksgroep Methodologie van het Pedagogische Onderzoek in Leuven), […]

Vacature Meta-analyse faculteit psychologie en pedagogische wetenschappen

Voor de Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen, Campus Kulak Kortrijk zoeken wij een doctoraatsstudent META-ANALYSE VAN AFHANKELIJKE EFFECTGROOTTES De bursaal zal verbonden zijn aan de faculteit Psychologie en pedagogische wetenschappen in Kortrijk, maar kan eventueel deels ook in Leuven werken (binnen de onderzoeksgroep Methodologie van het Pedagogische Onderzoek). Solliciteren kan tot 27/06/2015. Klik hier voor alle informatie.

Codes seminar bij Pieter Smet

Twitter Linkedin Codes seminar bij Pieter Smet CODeS is pleased to announce a seminar on “Column generation based heuristics for an integrated task and personnel scheduling problem” by Pieter Smet from CODeS. Title: Column generation based heuristics for an integrated task and personnel scheduling problem Abstract: Personnel rostering and task scheduling are two well studied, […]

Codes research seminar Prof. Sanja Petrovic

Codes research seminar Prof. Sanja Petrovic The CODeS research group is pleased to announce a seminar by Prof Sanja Petrovic from the University of Nottingham entitled: CASE-BASED REASONING IN RADIOTHERAPY TREATMENT PLANNING FOR BRAIN TUMOR  Abstract: Radiotherapy treatment planning aims at delivering a sufficient radiation dose to cancerous tumour cells while minimising the dose received by healthy […]

Meet the jury seminar Prof. Stefan Nickel

Meet the jury seminar Prof. Stefan Nickel On the occasion of the PhD defense of Wim Vancroonenburg, Prof. Stefan Nickel (Karslruhe Institute of Technology) will give a lecture about “Selected topics from Health Care Logistics“. Abstract: Healthcare logistics addresses the efficient planning, realization and control of patient-, material- and information-flow within the healthcare sector. Therefore, the use […]

Netwerkevent codes

Twitter Linkedin Netwerkevent codes Graag nodigt CODeS, onderzoeksgroep computerwetenschappen van KU Leuven, u uit op het netwerkevent rond optimalisatie van logistieke operaties. Het onderzoeksveld van CODeS vindt toepassingen in de operationele optimalisatie van de productie en de logistiek. De optimalisatie van de taakplanning, productieplanning, snijden & verpakking, palletisering, magazijnoptimalisatie, … zijn maar enkele domeinen waarin […]

Meet the jury seminar Prof. Michael Trick

Twitter Linkedin Meet the jury seminar Prof.Michael Trick At the occasion of the public PhD defense of Joris Kinable on ‘DecompositionApproaches for Optimization Problems’, CODeS – Dept. of Computer Science atKU Leuven invites you to a Meet the Jury seminar on December 5th, 10.00am. Prof. Michael Trick will give a talk about ‘Sports Scheduling Meets BusinessAnalytics’. […]

Approval FWO project Prof. Van Den Noortgate

Twitter Linkedin Approval FWO project Prof. Van Den Noortgate ITEC is proud to announce the approval of a new FWO project: ‘Meta-analysis of dependent effect sizes: A multilevel approach’   Abstract: Studies in behavioral sciences are often underpowered, because population effects and sample sizes are rarely impressive. Meta-analyses of multiple studies are therefore often highly […]

Frederik Cornillie wins the Calico 2014 ‘outstanding graduate student award’

Frederik Cornillie wins the Calico 2014 ‘outstanding graduate student award’ Frederik Cornillie was acclaimed Outstanding Graduate Student at the international conference CALICO 2014 in Athens, Ohio (US). CALICO stands for Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium, and is an international organization dedicated to research and development in the use of computer technology in language learning (CALL). The award is given each year to […]

Research seminar Han Hoogeveen

Twitter Linkedin Research seminar Han Hoogeveen The CODeS research group is pleased to announce a seminar by Han Hoogeveen from Utrecht University entitled: “Personalized nurse rostering through linear programming”. Content: We consider the basic rostering problem that originates from scheduling guards at the Universitair Medisch Centrum (UMC) Utrecht. Goal is to find a roster for each person with minimum total cost. […]

Codes wins two international awards

Codes wins two international awards David Van den Dooren, Thomas Sys, and Tony Wauters won the EU FET-Open Inductive Constraint Programming challenge with their work conducted within the iMinds-ICON project SENCOM. Their colleagues Jan Christiaens, Túlio Toffolo, Sam Van Malderen, and Tony Wauters were previously awarded the prestigious Verolog solver challenge 2014. Congratulations on these achievements!

Research seminar Jesper Larsen

Research seminar Jesper Larsen The CODeS research group is pleased to announce a seminarby Jesper Larsen from the Technical University of Denmark(DTU).  The seminar will focus on healthcare research and focus on the following two papers: – the home care crew scheduling problem – the patient admission scheduling problem  Place: KU Leuven – Technologiecampus Gent, […]

PhD Defence – Mariola Moeyaert

PhD Defence – Mariola Moeyaert Three-level synthesis of single-subject experimental data: Further extensions, empirical validation and applications. 21.05.2014, 16h, KU Leuven Kulak (C611) Supervisor: Dr W. Van den Noortgate Co-supervisors: Dr John. M. Ferron (University of Florida, USA), Dr P. Onghena For more information:

Research seminar

Research seminar Applications of automatic configuration/tuning, generating hybrid local search algorithms from a grammar. Seminar by Manuel López-Ibáñez Automatic algorithm configuration methods have shown that automatically tuning the parameters of optimization algorithms may lead to much better results, while at the same time saving significant effort to the human designer. Moreover, the potential of these […]

Research seminar codes

Research seminar codes  The CODeS research group is pleased to announce a seminar by guest professor Ramón Alvarez-Valdés from the University of Valencia.  He will talk about two subjects: 1. Bin packing problems with bins of different sizes: lower bounds and heuristic algorithms 2. The continuous Berth Allocation Problem in a container terminal with multiple […]

PhD Defence – Joris Maervoet

Twitter Linkedin PhD defence – Joris Maervoet Quality Maintenance in Geographical Data and Services for Spatial Networks 13.01.2014, 17h, KaHo Sint-Lieven, Campus Gent, Gebroeders De Smetstraat, 9000 Gent Supervisors: Prof. dr. Patrick De Causmaecker (supervisor), Greet Vanden Berghe (supervisor) Faculty of Engineering Science For more information: Invitation

Research seminar

Research Seminar ITEC- iMinds-KU Leuven KULAK kindly invites you to its next research seminar on “Intelligent  CALL: challenges & opportunities” At the occasion of the visit by Claire Gardent (LORIA, Nancy) On Thursday, February 20, 2014 in meeting room A382 of KU Leuven KULAK 11h – 11h30       Piet Desmet ITEC & its projects on iCALL 11h30 – 13h       […]

Lecture by Prof. Christophe Claramunt

Twitter Linkedin Lecture by prof. Christophe Claramunt Meet the jury Arenberg Doctoral School is proud to invite you to Meet The Jury! When international renowned experts visit KU Leuven as a member of a PhD Examination Committee, we like to seize this opportunity to give this expert a forum to a large audience. All members […]

Games@school video

Games@school video The iMinds – ICON project Games @ School (G@S), had a successful closing event on December 11, 2013. The project researches the potential of a platform that allows easy creation and distribution of educational games.  Via the following link, you can watch the final version of the g@s video:

Closing event Games@Schools

Closing event Games @ School The iMinds – ICON project Games @ School (G@S), had a successful closing event on December 11, 2013. The project researches the potential of a platform that allows easy creation and distribution of educational games. Back to news

Seminar Jannes Verstichel

Seminar Jannes Verstichel Seminar announcement: 9/12 9:45am, Room B207, KU Leuven, campus KAHO Sint-Lieven Jannes Verstichel, postdoctoral researcher, who defended his PhD on 15/11/2013, presents: A Combinatorial Benders’ Decomposition for the Lock Scheduling Problem In this talk we present an exact algorithm for the Lock Scheduling Problem (LSP) based on a Combinatorial Benders’ decomposition.LSP consists […]

Phd defence – Maribel Montero Perez

22/11/2013 -PhD defence – Maribel Montero Perez Watch and Learn?! Five studies into the use and effectiveness of captioned video for L2 listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. Supervisors: Prof. dr. Piet Desmet (promotor), Noëlla Peters (co-promotor) Faculty of Arts More information Info Friday 22th of November, 2013 4.30 PM KU Leuven Campus Kulak Kortrijk Gebouw […]

Franel wins the european language label

Franel wins the european language label On the European Day of Languages, Franel was awarded the European language label in the Flemish Parliament. “Franel” is an e-learning platform for language teaching available free of charge on the Internet, offering learning activities based on original videos to anyone wanting to brush up his or her French […]

PhD Defence – Maribel Montero Perez

PhD Defence – Maribel Montero Perez Watch and Learn?! Five studies into the use and effectiveness of captioned video for L2 listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. 22.11.2013, 16h30, KU Leuven Kulak (B422) Supervisors: Prof. dr. Piet Desmet (promotor), Noëlla Peters (co-promotor) Faculty of Arts For more information:

Franel wins the European Language Label

FRANEL wins the european language label On the European Day of Languages, Franel was awarded the European language label in the Flemish Parliament. “Franel” is an e-learning platform for language teaching available free of charge on the Internet, offering learning activities based on original videos to anyone wanting to brush up his or her French […]

Special issue on games for language learning published (cambridge university press)

Special issue on games for language learning published Cambridge university press Frederik Cornillie and Piet Desmet co-guest-edited a special issue of the ReCALL international journal (Cambridge University Press) on digital games for language learning. Contributions to this special issue introduce empirical data and analyses, and propose innovative theoretical frameworks novel to CALL and SLA, all […]

Springer boek ccis vol. 280 gepubliceerd

Springer boek CCIS VOL. 280 gepubliceerd Serious games: the challenge  ITEC/CIP/T 2011: Joint Conference of the Interdisciplinary Research Group of Technology, Education, Communication, and the Scientific Network on Critical and Flexible Thinking,Ghent, Belgium, October 19-21, 2011, Revised Selected Papers Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 280 De Wannemacker, Stefan; Vandercruysse, Sylke; Clarebout, Geraldine (Eds.) […]

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