

Professional Development for Digital Teaching and Learning The COVID-19 crisis has made universities switch to digital education and to re-organize their campus. In the May 2020 surveys of the European Commission, it turned out that in thefirst (semi-) lockdown period, 95,1% of the universities organized online and distance learning and 82,7% even online exams. All […]

Adaptivity of complex learning tasks

Adaptivity of complex learning tasks This PhD project focuses on adaptivity within complex language tasks (for second and foreign language acquisition) by means of simulated dialogues with chatbots. By complex tasks we mean language learning activities in which language is used in a functional way and in which language skills, knowledge and attitudes are acquired […]

PhD Defence – Frederik Cornillie

PhD Defence – Frederik Cornillie Adventures in red ink – Effectiveness of corrective feedback in digital game-based language learning 15.09.2014, 16h, KU Leuven Kulak (B422) Supervisor: Prof. dr. Piet Desmet Co-supervisor: Prof. dr. Kris Van den Branden For more information:


COgnitive Support in Manufacturing Operations. The manufacturing industry is faced with increasing product diversification due to changing customer needs and market demands, which is putting stress on operators.

Codes seminar by Prof. Ramón Alvarez-Valdés, University of Valencia seminar: models and algorithms for the container stowage slot planning problem

Twitter Linkedin Codes seminar by Prof. Ramón Alvarez-Valdés, University of Valencia seminar: models and algorithms for the container stowage slot planning problem When 02 Mar 2016from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM Add event to calendar  vCal iCal The CODeS research group is pleased to announce this seminar by Prof. Ramón Alvarez-Valdés, University of Valencia. The stowage planning problem, in […]

Research seminar codes

Research seminar codes  The CODeS research group is pleased to announce a seminar by guest professor Ramón Alvarez-Valdés from the University of Valencia.  He will talk about two subjects: 1. Bin packing problems with bins of different sizes: lower bounds and heuristic algorithms 2. The continuous Berth Allocation Problem in a container terminal with multiple […]

Harnessing collective intelligence in e-learning environments

The key feature of Web 2.0 applications is that these make it possible to actually use the collective intelligence which is generated by the number of users of a webservice. By ‘collective intelligence’ or ‘wisdom of crowds’ we mean the entire data set that is gathered via tracking and logging and that shows how exactly the user deals with content.

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