Ongoing projects


Professional Development for Digital Teaching and Learning The COVID-19 crisis has made universities switch to digital education and to re-organize their campus. In the May 2020 surveys of the European Commission, it turned out that in thefirst (semi-) lockdown period, 95,1% of the universities organized online and distance learning and 82,7% even online exams. All […]

Adaptivity of complex learning tasks

Adaptivity of complex learning tasks This PhD project focuses on adaptivity within complex language tasks (for second and foreign language acquisition) by means of simulated dialogues with chatbots. By complex tasks we mean language learning activities in which language is used in a functional way and in which language skills, knowledge and attitudes are acquired […]


COgnitive Support in Manufacturing Operations. The manufacturing industry is faced with increasing product diversification due to changing customer needs and market demands, which is putting stress on operators.

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