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Interested in starting a job at itec? 

Organizational unit

itec is a research group at KU Leuven and imec, Flanders’ high-tech research and innovation hub for nanoelectronics and digital technologies. On the campus Kortrijk of the KU Leuven.

 Itec brings together researchers from three different faculties (Psychology & Educational Sciences, Arts and Medicine) and four disciplines (educational psychology, statistics, applied linguistics, computer science). Researchers at itec conduct both fundamental and applied research on the design, development, and evaluation of personalized and adaptive digital solutions, aimed at helping experts and end users to make effective decisions informed by data analysis and visualizations. Primary application domains include education and trainingmedia, and health.


A job at itec offers besides a competitive salary, addiditonal benefits,  flexibility, a multicultural environment and last but not least a strong team of very nice colleagues.   

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