Our PHD student Louise Maddens has won the ‘young scholars’ best paper award on the yearly Eden conference.

The central theme of the conference was “Connecting through educational technology”.

The title of Louise Maddens’ conference paper was “The instructional design of an online learning environment (RISSC) for upper secondary school students’ research skills”. The content of the paper is a part of the PHD of Louise on the instructional design of learning environments in order to strengthen complex research skills of students.

Louise conducts her PHD under the supervision of Jan Elen, Fien Depaepe and Annelies Raes.

Congratulations to Louise!


The Jury nominated the following FINALISTS (listed along the programme schedule):

 A1: Human Capital in Online Higher Education Settings: a Socio-Educative Perspective Applied to Graduates of an Online University by Riccardo Valente, Albert Sánchez Gelabert, Josep M. Duart, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

B3: Digital versus manual. Two sides of the same coin by Ingrid le Roux, University of Pretoria, South Africa

B3: The instructional design of an online learning environment (RISSC) for Upper secondary school students’ research skills by Louise Maddens123, Fien Depaepe123, Annelies Raes123, Jan Elen12, KU Leuven & KU Leuven Campus KULAK Kortrijk1, Centre for Instructional Psychology and Technology2, ITEC, KU Leuven, also at imec3, Belgium

C3: Approaches and methodologies to support critical reflection by Jean Claude Callens, VIVES, Belgium

C3: Exploring the Emotions of Distance Learning Students in an Assessed, Online, Collaborative Project by Jake Hilliard, Karen Kear, Helen Donelan, Caroline Heaney, The Open University, United Kingdom

D3: Back to the future, the learner strikes back: feedback and reflection as key elements in MOOC re-design by Conchúr Mac Lochlainn, Dublin City University, Mairéad Nic Giolla Mhichíl, Dublin City University, Elaine Beirne, Dublin City University, Mark Brown, Dublin CityUniversity,  Ireland

D4: Future Skills and higher education “Future Skill readiness” by Ulf-Daniel Ehlers, Baden-Wurttemberg Cooperative State University, Germany

E3: Automatic Transcription software: Good enough for accessibility? A case study from Built Environment Education by Tharindu R. Liyanagunawardena, University College of Estate Management, UK

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