Research Seminar

ITEC- iMinds-KU Leuven KULAK kindly invites you to its next research seminar on “Intelligent  CALL: challenges & opportunities”

At the occasion of the visit by Claire Gardent (LORIA, Nancy)

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 in meeting room A382 of KU Leuven KULAK

11h – 11h30       Piet Desmet
ITEC & its projects on iCALL

11h30 – 13h       Claire Gardent
“Automatically Generated Grammar Exercises and Dialogs for Language Learning”

13h – 14h            Sandwich lunch

14h-14h30          Hans Paulussen & Maribel Montero Perez
“Automatic data enrichment and exercise generation: results of the iRead+ project” 

14h30 – 15h       Frederik Cornillie
“Affordances of NLP and crowdsourcing for feedback generation in meaning-focused written language practice”

15h – 15h30    Mieke Vandewaetere
“How log files are used to create adaptive learning environments: a systematic review”

15h-15h30          Maribel Montero Perez
“Watch and learn?! Use and effectiveness of (glossed) captioned video for L2 vocabulary acquisition”

Participation is free.
Please register for the (free) sandwich lunch by sending an e-mail to

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