SUCCESS: SUpporting the Choice of Courses and the Evaluation of Soft Skills


Luis Alberto Pinos Ullauri

The purpose of the project is to develop and evaluate the use of digital support in learning. We look at how technology can be used in an intelligent way, by dynamically adapting and personalizing the learning environment to the learner, based on a permanent monitoring of various skills and other person features. To this end, advanced techniques from statistics, psychometrics and computer sciences will be adapted and applied. The project focuses on two application contexts: an industrial training setting and a higher education setting. In the industrial setting, we will focus on an adaptive support system for an effective and efficient use of Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) in training industrial operators. In the higher education setting, we will set up a dynamic system that supports students to select relevant courses and to track the progress students make. 

Person in charge of the project

Wim Van Den Noortgate

Anthony Fleury 

Partner university


  • 2020 – 2024
  • Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
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