Anaïs Tack

Language & technology

Anaïs Tack

Anaïs Tack is an F.R.S.-FNRS research fellow pursuing a joint doctoral degree at UCLouvain (CENTAL) and KU Leuven (itec, imec).

Since October 2016, she has been conducting her doctoral research in the domains of applied and computational linguistics, under the supervision of Professors Cédrick Fairon, Piet Desmet, and Thomas François. Her doctoral research focuses on the empirical validation of word-level readability models for predicting the lexical difficulty when reading in French and Dutch as a foreign language.

She is interested in research at the intersection of computational linguistics, second language acquisition, and intelligent computer-assisted language learning. She takes a particular interest in readability assessment and the question of how we can empirically measure, statistically model, and automatically predict the role lexical difficulty and complexity plays in the reading process.

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