Phuong Thao Duong

Language & technology

Phuong Thao Duong

Phuong Thao Duong is a Phd student within the Language, Society, and Education research group and itec (imec research group) at KU Leuven. Her research focuses on second language (L2) learning and computer-assisted language learning. More particularly, her Phd project aims at exploring the effectiveness of technology-enhanced task-based language teaching on vocabulary learning of EFL (English-as-foreign-language) university learners in Vietnam. In the first part of her PhD trajectory, she developed two task types (input- and output-based tasks) on Moodle platform and compared the effects of these task types on written vocabulary knowledge. In the second part, she administered the tasks in a different online learning environment, Skype, and measured their effects on spoken vocabulary knowledge. The third part of the project will be an exploration of the role of audio-visual input on learners’ output-based task performance and the mediating role of individual differences (i.e. working memory, and prior vocabulary knowledge). This project is supervised by Prof. Dr. Elke Peters, Prof. Dr. Piet Desmet, and Dr. Maribel Montero Perez. 

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