Dig- e-lab

Reserach and innovation for online learning


Seven partners on both sides of the French-Belgian border, including universities, training and research centres, are working together on a common project: promoting employment and cross-border mobility of workers and integrating them to the job market by means of online trainings.

The main goal of Dig-e-Lab is to create an expertise network around online trainings, working with videos, in a cross-border context.

The project will identify the existing online trainings in order to improve them technologically and/or pedagogically and create a dynamic of emulation. Dig-e-Lab will then centralise and promote all the suitable online trainings of the targeted area.

With support of the European Fund for Regional Development.

Staff involved

Piet Desmet
Maribel Montero Perez
Frederik Cornillie
Isabeau Fievez



  • 01-10-2016 – 30-09-2020



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