An enriched statistics learning environment

The purpose of the project is to develop a modular electronic environment for learning statistics, in which (a) supporting learning material is collected, (b) students have the possibility to engage exercises and self-tests, followed by immediate and elaborate feedback, (c) students are offered authentic tasks to be studied independently, (d) personalized learning trajectories are suggested, and (e) explicit links are made between learning contents and other parts of the learning environment. In addition, a blueprint will be prepared, that will help in developping new modules. Finally, we will explore how the electronic learning environment can be integrated efficiently in 4 courses in statistics in the programmes of Educational sciences and Educational studies.

Staff involved

Wim Van Den Noortgate
Mieke Vandewaetere
Marie Maertens


  • 01/10/2013 – 30/09/2015


KU Leuven

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