Ine Windey

Team and research coordinator

Ine Windey

Contact information

Ine Windey is responsible for the overall team management, finances and personnel of itec. She also coordinates several research projects, such as

  • The TECOL project: in this project (which stands for Technology Enhanced COllaborative Learning), we examined the advances in educational technology in order to facilitate more active learning, collaborative learning and remote learning.
  • Edulab learning spaces: the learning spaces are an in vivo laboratory for educational research and we continuously try to improve its’ functioning and the most optimal instructional designs in these learning spaces.
  • The LECTURE+ project: in this project we tried to model the engagement of (remote) learners in a multimodal way, in order to make this engagement visible for the teacher and to also give support to teachers on how to optimize this engagement as much as possible.
  • The STEAMS project: in this project we will deliver a set of tools, multimodal metrics, and insights for supporting teaching and assessment of Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) skills in ambient learning spaces. 
  • She is also involved in the i-Learn project: the i-Learn project aims at implementing digital solutions for personalized learning in a qualitative and sustainable way for all Flemish primary and secondary schools

involved projects


Gepersonaliseerd digitaal leren in het Vlaamse onderwijs. Leren op maat van elk kind wordt internationaal vaak als de toekomst van ons onderwijs naar voor geschoven.

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Effective LEarning in remote Classrooms through Technology-enhanced UseR Engagement.

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