Juliet Desmet

Junior research & business developer

Juliet Desmet

Juliet Desmet is a junior business developer at itec. She graduated as a teacher in early childhood education in the Arteveldehogeschool in Gent, subsequently she obtained her master degree of pedagogical sciences at the University of Ghent. After gaining some experience in teaching Juliet started her career at itec. One of her responsibilities at itec is the follow-up of projects with schools. An example of a project she coordinates is Smart Education @ Schools. Smart Education @ Schools is a project aimed at making specific technology for education (primary, secondary and adult education), starting from the ideas of teachers themselves.

involved projects

Smart Education @ Schools

Smart Education @ Schools is een innovatieprogramma voor leerkrachten in het basis- en secundair onderwijs en in de volwasseneneducatie die de uitdagingen van hun onderwijspraktijk willen aanpakken met slimme educatieve technologie.

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