Researcher in instructional design & technology

Marieke Pieters

Marieke is a researcher in instructional design and technology. Before she came to the Itec team, Marieke was a teacher in secondary education. She taught geography for 15 years.

She started at Itec in the lecture+ project. This project tried to model the engagement of (remote) learners in a multimodal way, to make this engagement visible for the teacher, and to give support to teachers on how to optimize this engagement as much as possible. The project had an extension in secondary education. In the extension, we tried to find out how technology can bring more interactivity and collaboration in education in secondary schools.

Now Marieke supports teachers in implementing educational technology in their lessons and courses. Besides that, she still teaches for half of the time. 

involved projects


Professional Development for Digital Teaching and Learning The COVID-19 crisis

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Effective LEarning in remote Classrooms through Technology-enhanced UseR Engagement.

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